Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My little Katie-bugger

Ok so Becca tagged Katie so today you get to know all about her. Here are 6 random things about her!

1. Katie loves to carry around the weirdest things. She loves tissues, which she affectionately calls nissues. Paper towels are a close second. She is the queen of random toys. If we come over to your houe, I guarantee that she will find something to play with that no one else would look at-or that you thought was cleverly hidden. A few examples you ask? Katie loves candles of any kind. If they are within reach, she is carrying them around. She prefers small ones and then she sips from them. At my parents house she always pulls the little scrap of a cloth from under the dining room table. (It's there to protect the wood floor.) She then wraps it up and carries it around like a baby. She also does this with the kitchen towel, or any clothing that she finds. She manages to find matches, knifes and other dangerous objects wherever we go. She also loves wipes. These can also be treated like little babies. Oh and yes she does have actual baby dolls....

2. Katie loves to bully Sami. She is so good at it too. She is constantly bugging her and telling her no about things. Sami is always complaining to me that Katie told her she couldn't do something or that Katie said she wasn't her: sister, mom, dad or whichever character she is supposed to be playing. Katie will go sit right next to, but mostly on top of, Sami. She will then lay there like a rag doll while Sami screams in terror. All the while Katie is smiling away. She does the same thing to Hammy but he loves it.

3. Katie is so sweet! She is always saying thank you and pretty please. She always tells us she loves us so much. She loves to snuggle. If there are more than 2 people involved in the snuggle she then says: "Look we're a family!" She always plays with Beck, and then says " look he's love me!" She will change that s around someday I'm sure.

4. Katie is such a good eater. She will eat mostly anything. She likes somewhat spicy food too. She loves dried mango, yogurt, salami, pickles, V8, and of course, "treats" She asks for treats as soon as she wakes up in the morning.

5. Katie loves to color, and play with play-doh, or flubber. Luckily I think she is finally out of the coloring on walls and such. She can play with flubber for hours. (I could too.) She is very good about entertaining herself, and has become very independant in the last week or so. She wants to do everything by herself. And then if she can't do it, she kind of sits there for a minute, not wanting to admit defeat, then she humbly asks for help. It is so cute!

6. Last but not least, Katie loves the Backyardigans. She could watch them all day long, or talk about them and read books about them. She always wants me to sing their theme song at bedtime. I try to lean more towards primary songs, but she always wants that song. She is always Tasha the mermaid in the bathtub, and she makes Sami Uniqua wether she wants to or not. Before she saw the backyardigans she didn't care much for t.v. And she still doesn't unless its' that or shrek is another one of her favorites.


Becca said...

Thanks! I love little Katie. You forgot to mention that she likes to play with dog food, water, bones...

Michelle and Aaron said...

Haha that is true! She loves to carry around Ebony and Ginger's bones, and splash in the water bowls. Although I believe it was Sami who got down on all fours to actually quench her thirst from the dogs bowl!

Sheri said...

Isn't Sami older than Katie? That's too funny!

we share: said...

hey I was glad to see you are a blogger as well... this is a really cute blog. You have the cutest girls! (Just ask Easton)he was really happy sammy was back at preschool!

Becca said...

Oh No!! We caught Mel "chewing" on a dog bone today. She cried when we took it away, suddenly all her toys were so uninteresting.

LauraB said...

I LOVE that picture with the flower - she looks so sweet you want to eat her up!!

Trina said...

Oh she is such a doll! Did you take that first picture? What a cute girl with a cute little personality it sounds like!

Mary Denton Taylor said...

Michelle, you have such ADORABLE kids!!! And I love how thoroughly you know and understand them! I don't think all moms could say the same. You're a good mommy!!

Megan Lofgran said...

Adam informed us tonight, as he was trying to get the boys to eat their veggies, that Sammy loves red bell pepper. How do you get your kids to eat veggies!?

Lindsey Vance Parry said...

that is so cute, aren't kids great they do the cutest things